Tuesday 13 March 2012

Pre-Production: Production Log (Week 2)

This week we learnt about what makes a British social realist film.


So basically it uses average "everyday" looking people. Not stunning "Hollywood" looking people.
Theres a lot of on location shooting, as for the real life, gritty feel; as apprised to expensive man made sets all filmed in film studios.
Another thing that stood out was the detailed costumes. It was really convicting that the people shown were part of a certain group/era... Like in "This is England" where the skinheads wear check, Ben Sherman shirts, braces and Dr Martens.

Camera Work

Very minimal, there isn't budget for huge expensive camera rigs for excessive movement. This is good for BSR because its more true to life, the raw, rough and ready footage feel.

There's a lot of "arty" angles. Creating shots that if made in to stills would look like art. This is similar of the composition and framing of these shots which add to this artistic effect.


Again, very basic. A lot of continuity editing. Keeps it realistic and steers it away from any high concept.

I'll take from this the detailed costume and basic style of editing and camera movement. And will look to create some interesting shot compositions.

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