Tuesday 6 March 2012

Pre-Production: Analysis For Our Vox Pox audience research

What age do you think our protagonist should be?

People said around the age of 16-24. The majority going for the lower band. A lot of people said 18 because this is the legal age to drink and get in to clubs etc but our focus is on illegal waves of which you don't need I.D and one of the main themes of our film is coming of age so we're going to go with the age of 17 for our protagonist. 

What gender do you think our protagonist should be?

90% of the people asked said our protagonist should be male. We were happy this response as we were pretty set on it being a male. The main reason being that this is just more realistic as the majority of ravers are male and we wanted to subvert the stereotype of females being vulnerable. So we're showing a young male getting pulled into drugs and the culture. 

What do you think of our idea?

Everyone we asked gave positive feedback for our idea. We were told a lot that it was "original" and "realistic", which is exactly what we wanted, this is in keeping with the ethos of the BSR genre, along with Film4. We were given props as we were told it would raise awareness for these issues that are becoming more and more common within the target audience. We were also pleased with this as it meant our idea wasn't mainstream.

What are your views on drugs being included in films?

People understood that for our film to be realistic we would have to include and show drugs in it. Only one person said to leave them out, saying that it would be promoting them and going against the message we were trying to communicate with the audience. However we're showing the negatives of drugs, putting them in a bad light so we're definitely going to show drugs in our film. A lot of people said it was good because it was happening and film companies try to keep this out of films usually as people don't want to see the truth, what's actually going on in todays society. 

What controversial issues would you like to see?

This was the most vaguely answered question, with people not being able to answer down to the fact they didn't really know what controversial issues were. With a little information we found that people wanted to see racism and violence with most just agreeing that the illegal rave and drug issues were quite enough! 

What are your favourite BSR films?

Most people said Kidulthood/Adulthood. Two people said Four Lions and one person said each of these: Happy Go Lucky, Trainspotting, Attack the Block, Made in Britain, Football Factory, This is England, Greenstreet. We were happy with this as our film would be most similar to Adulthood/Kidulthood and so gives us a green light for our target audience. 

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