Tuesday 13 March 2012

Pre-Production: Production Log 3

 This week we focused on Titles... Knowing that a big chunk of the marks are for titles we knew we'd have to do something special. The titles we'd seen in previous productions weren't great, a lot of them just used standard fonts in white against black backgrounds... We saw this as a massive waste. Huge! So we started thinking about it and quickly got the idea of writing the titles in a graffiti typography.

We were happy with that but it needed a little more so we decided to surround the titles with drug paraphernalia. Things like bunches of pills, crushed up sugar in little bags, cigarettes etc. 

Rocks of MDMA. We will use either rock salt of pop rocks (candy).

Little baggy of MDMA powder. Again salt or pop rocks but crushed up.

Cocaine and a rolled £20 note. We will use icing sugar.

Cigarettes. We will use cigarettes, simply.

By using graffiti we are communicating the themes of squatting and raving. By using drug images we're also communicating the main theme of drugs, which also goes with squatting and raving. 

I'm going to try animating these images on the titles. I've got a pretty good idea of how to do it, by creating layers on Final Cut Express but I'll do some preliminary tests on this to check it's possible. 

Also this week we concreted the conventions of an opening sequence and learnt exactly what needs to be put in them and what should be kept out. We're going to set down the main themes in our opening sequence, not giving too much plot away but letting the audience know the tone and style of the film from the very start. A little enigma would be quite good also, we'll think more on that later.

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