Tuesday 13 March 2012

Pre-Production: Production Log 4

Really looked in to target audiences this week and got some really good research down in the form of Vox Pox. Luckily our results matched up with what we'd planned so far, after analysing our Vox Pox we were happy to write up our treatment in confidence that we were targeting the right audience.

The institutions that are involved in making BSR films are all targeted to roughly the same audience. So our production company being Film4, we'll be sticking to their ethos and ideologies.

This week we also picked a soundtrack to play underneath our main monologue. It's going to be a track by my friend Reece (ReeceA) who makes his own deep house modestep music. He's started a label with a friend called HLFPIN and they've given me full permission to use their track on our production.

It could possibly be this track called "Censorsh*it"

"Censorsh*t" by -Ree¢e∆ -

1 comment:

  1. Excellent information. Keep sharing such great posts. Media Production Agency
